Scoring Guide for
la presentación para
el Viaje a México
Name |
Content |
Correctness |
Fluency |
Follow Up Questions |
Small Talk |
Students may present their information as a conversation or as a straight report (or another creative way). Students listening to the presenations will have to write at least three questions per presenation. These questions will be in Spanish and may relate to the cost of parts of the students' trip. Questions may be as simple as "¿Cuánto cuesta la escuela?" or "¿Cómo se llama el hotel en Guanajuato?" If a student asks a question after a presentation, that student will earn points toward "Hablar de clase." More sophisticated questions will result in additional credit. For the presenters, responses to questions count for your overall grade (see responding to the unexpected).
Scoring Key
(Standard: Presentation)
Comparisons to other flights; other travel experiences
Process of traveling
Cost of school
School experiences
Other Travel and Activities
Tour activities
Score 6 if all three categories and at least 15 items of content discussed
Score 5 if all three categories and at least 10 items of content discussed
Score 4 if all three categories and at least 8 items of content discussed
Score 3 if two categories and at least 10 items of content discussed
Score 2 if two categories and at least 8 items of content discussed
Score 1 if one category discussed
(Standard: Speaking)
Verb forms
Future, Conditional, Imperfecto, Pretérito
AR /ER/IR regular verbs
Irregular forms
Spelling changing verbs
Reflexive verbs (me-te-se-nos-se)
Subject/Verb agreement
Score 6 if fewer than 3errors with at least three tenses; use of simple, compound and complex sentences; no subject/verb problems
Score 5 if fewer than 5 errors with at least three tenses ense; some use off compound and complex sentences; fewer than 2 S/V errors
Score 4 if 5 to 10 errors with at least three tenses; mostly simple sentences; 3 to 5 S/V errors
Score 3 if 5 to 10 errors at least two tenses; only simple, short sentences; 6 to 8 S/V errors
Score 2 if more than 8 errors with one tense; only simple, short sentences; more than 8 S/V errors
Score 1if speaker uses only infinitive verb forms
(Standard: Speaking)
Verbal Speed
Quickness of speaking; quickness of response to questions and comments
Connection of one idea to the next; connection of one sentence to the next; connection of one phrase to the next; connection of one word to the next
Score 6 if speaker speaks quickly and fluidly and understandably; speaker speaks like a native speaker
Score 5 if speaker speaks quickly though less fluidly but still understandably
Score 4 if speaker speaks at a normal rate with some glitches though mostly understandably
Score 3 if the speaker speaks slowly with some glitches and with some loss of understanding
Score 2 if the speaker speaks slowly with many glitches and it is difficult to understand
Score 1 if the speaker speaks very slowly with many glitches and it is very difficult to understand
Responding to the Unexpected
(Standard: Listening)
Response to Follow up Questions
Ease of understaning of question; quickness of response; completeness of response
Additional Comments Made Outside of the Scope of Content
Related content about travel; questions about your city in México
Score 6 if speaker responds to all follow up question and makes many additional comments and explanations/elaborations
Score 5 if speaker responds to several follow ups and makes several additional comments and explanations/elaborations
Score 4 if speaker responds to two follow up questions and makes 2 to 3 additional comments
Score 3 if speaker responds to one follow up question and makes 2 additional comments
Score 2 if speaker responds to one follow up question and makes no additional comments
Score 1 if speaker does not respond to any follow up and makes no additional comments
Small Talk
(Standard: Speaking)
Greetings and Good-byes
Hola, qué tal, cómo estás, cómo le va, adiós, hasta luego, hasta pronto, etc.
Incidental Words
Pues, entonces, oye, mira, bueno, esta bien, hijole, caramba, repite, por favor, digame, ayudame, etc
Partner Interactions
Score 6 if speaker greets and says good bye and uses lots of incidental words; substantial interaction with partner
Score 5 if speaker greets and says good bye and uses several incidental words; significant interaction with partner
Score 4 if speaker greets and says good bye and uses few incidental words; some interaction with partnerr
Score 3 if speaker greets and says good bye and uses no incidental words; little interaction with partner
Score 2 if speaker only greets or only says good bye; no incidental words; no interaction with partner
Score 1 if speaker neither greets nor says good bye; no incidental words; no interaction wtih partner
Power Point Presentation
(Standard: Presentation)
Content of Slides
Highlight main points of trip; connection of one slide to the next
Images on Slides
Support Content in positive ways
Power Point Facility
Ease of navigation through slides; control of "bells and whistles" in presentation
Score 6 if slides clearly present main points and connect to one another in a logical sequence; images positively support content;
speakers proceed through slides with confidence and ease
Score 5 if slides present main points and connect to one another in a logical sequence; images support content;
speakers proceed through slides with ease
Score 4
if slides present main points; images support content; speakers proceed through slides in order
Score 3 if slides present main points and contain images;
speakers proceed through slides in order
Score 2 if slides present some points and contain a few images;
speakers struggle through slides
Score 1 if slides present some points and contain no images;
speakers struggle through slides
Scoring Sheet for
la Propuesta
para el Viaje a México
Scoring Key
(Standard: Writing)
Comparisons to other flights; other travel experiences
Process of traveling
Cost of school
School experiences
Other Travel and Activities
Tour activities
Score 6 if all three categories and at least 15 items of content discussed
Score 5 if all three categories and at least 10 items of content discussed
Score 4 if all three categories and at least 8 items of content discussed
Score 3 if two categories and at least 10 items of content discussed
Score 2 if two categories and at least 8 items of content discussed
Score 1 if one category discussed
(Standard: Writing)
Verb forms
Future, Conditional
AR /ER/IR regular verbs
Irregular forms
Spelling changing verbs
Reflexive verbs (me-te-se-nos-se)
Subject/Verb agreement
Score 6 if fewer than 3 errors with at least three tenses; simple, compound and complex sentences; no subject/verb problems
Score 5 if fewer than 5 errors with at least three tenses ense; simple sentences with some compound and complex sentences; fewer than 2 S/V errors
Score 4 if 5 to 10 errors with at least three tenses; mostly simple sentences; 3 to 5 S/V errors
Score 3 if 5 to 10 errors at least two tenses; only simple, short sentences; 6 to 8 S/V errors
Score 2 if more than 8 errors with one tense; only simple, short sentences; more than 8 S/V errors
Score 1 if speaker uses only infinitive verb forms
Report Format
(Standard: Presentation)
Title Page
Body of the Report
Score 6 if title includes image, names, date, class; body is complete; bibliography is complete and in correct format
Score 5 if title includes image, names, date, class; body is complete; bibliography is mostly complete and in correct format
Score 4 if title includes names, date, class; body is complete; bibliography is mostly complete and in correct format
Score 3 if title includes names; body is complete; bibliography is a list of urls only
Score 2 if title includes names; body is partial; bibliography is a list of three or fewer urls
Score 1 if title includes names; body is partial; bibliography is a list of two or fewer urls